"Begin anywhere. Stop anywhere. Everything that can possibly be written now is a drop of rain upon its vast syncretic ocean... This future of our shared media Byzantium is obscenely bright."
Jason Price Everett's poetry explodes from the page with the raucous power of industrial machinery and strikes its targets with the rapier's fine point. Honing in on the chaos of the past two decades, Hypodrome charts the growth of today's artist searching for the defining aesthetic of our time. These poems document the plastic, the losses, the frustrations and the triumphs accumulated during the course of an accelerated era, set against the backdrop of an ominously beautiful future.
148 pages| ISBN 978-1-926716-12-1(pbk.) | Softcover
HYPODROME by Jason Price Everett 148 pages| ISBN 978-1-926716-12-1(pbk.) | Softcover
Jason Price Everett's poetry explodes from the page with the raucous power of industrial machinery and strikes its targets with the rapier's fine point. Honing in on the chaos of the past two decades, Hypodrome charts the growth of today's artist searching for the defining aesthetic of our time. These poems document the plastic, the losses, the frustrations and the triumphs accumulated during the course of an accelerated era, set against the backdrop of an ominously beautiful future.
"Begin anywhere. Stop anywhere. Everything that can possibly be written now is a drop of rain upon its vast syncretic ocean. The interior of this network is the ur -Art: permanent and all-devouring until the power goes out. A universal forced collaboration consuming the individual artist, drowning out spirit and talent alike against the background tone, incorporating everything that can be communicated into that which we do not have a name for yet, as art. Self-induced personalized sequences of aesthetic meaning arranged at will. Incorporeal tesserae for the personalized mosaic of a deity. This future of our shared media Byzantium is obscenely bright."
"This is not just a collection of poems and short stories; it is a granary of artistic abundance! For here, will you find a rich variety of masterfully crafted pieces in a range of style, including those that draw from the African oral storytelling tradition. It is a montage of pieces of literary art, curated in a manner that allows for the ‘strict grammarian’ forms of expression to coalesce with those given to poetic licentiousness."
Whichever your favourite genre is, this anthology of East African literature has delivered something that has not been served to readers in many years. It is a fitting gift to the lovers of literary art in this first quarter of the 21st century.
Sam Cooke, the man, the musician, the lover - his natural genius, his wanton escapades, his raw passion and his brilliant, soulful music are all here conjured in a series of poems by Darren C. Demaree. From humble gospel beginnings, to world-fame stature and cold murder, the beauty, unlikeliness and tragedy of a genius and his life are here commemorated and eternally brought to life.
A collection of poems by Darren C. Demaree commemorating and recounting the life and genius of Sam Cooke.
78 pages | 5" x 8" | ISBN 978-1-926716-52-7 (pbk.) | Softcover
Darren C. Demaree’s collection Nude Male with Echo examines and challenges male vanity, power, and expectation. While exploring the place of his gender in this world, Demaree’s attempt to expand upon the expectations of “what makes a man”, while drilling down into the artistic framework provided by the body and aging provides a new landscape for these modern questions.
75 pages | 5" x 8" | ISBN 978-1-926716-56-5 (pbk.) | Softcover
A poet-robot—a chain-smoking seductress—a dying connoisseur. All of these characters and more make appearances in this strikingly original poetry collection from acclaimed Canadian writer and illustrator Rolli.
Ripe with Rolli’s trademark economy, quotabilty and wit, these are poems to be gulped down like summer fruit.
98 pages | 5" x 8' | ISBN 978-1-926716-63-3 (pbk.)
At a time so charged with volatility, from an atmosphere so polarized, and nations not only socially-distanced but divided, comes this timely collection, volcanic eruptions of the social and political injustices that ravage the landscape.
62 pages | 4.7" x 7.5' | ISBN 978-1-926716-60-2 (pbk.)
Darren C. Demaree’s "Many Full Hands Applauding Inelegantly" is as masterful as it is subtle. In this latest collection, Demaree continues to expand and develop not only his power and voice, but the voice of a time and a generation. A transcendent unity runs through this tripartite collection of poems that can be taken individually, as particles or a moment on a continuous wave. Birth (A Violent Sound in Almost Every Place), Life (We are Arrows) and Death (All the Birds Are Leaving) are woven together on the circle that surrounds and unites all.
5.25 x 8.5 | 194 pages | ISBN 978-1-926716-41-1 (pbk.) | Softcover
Written in unsparing, haunting detail, Claudia Serea's unforgettable A Dirt Road Hangs From the Sky brings to life the horrors of the brutal Communist repression in her native Romania in the second part of the 20th century -- the prisons, the torture, the barbarous inhumanity -- preserving in memory a time that should never be forgotten.
5 x 8 | 130 pages | B&W | Softcover | ISBN 978-1-926716-24-4 (pbk.)
The latest in a long line of scriptures, MAPLE VEDAS explores the voyages of the Gods of India – Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesha, Kali – as they visit the northwestern lands of the globe in the past, the present, and the near future. Peopled with other characters like a prophetic moose, a secretive walrus, and a charming groundhog, the interactions and dialogues of this third millenium testament force you to rethink history, religion, and your place in all of it – wherever you come from.
Colour with Original Artwork by Tara Chartrand, Chris Dyer, Collen MacIsaac.6 x 9 | Full-Color | 78 pages.| ISBN 978-1-926716-05-3 | Softcover
"...artful and prayerful... In clear, crisply nuanced lines, Demaree gives praise to small quirky moments, to ordinary human exchanges, to the miracles of quotidian love, to Wednesdays, to Ohio... ...these generously attentive and marvelously whimsical poems repeatedly resist sleight-of-hand poetic transubstantiation, while slyly acknowledging the inevitably transformative nature of language.”
--Lee Ann Roripaugh, Author of Dandarians
5. 5 x 7.25 | 90 pages | ISBN 978-1-926716-35-0 (pbk.) | Softcover
"I have been dreaming / those dreams of meaning / that come from the waters / of dreaming deep / like drowned men / to the gold skin / of the ocean"
Company's come. In a ramshackle mansion, meet a family in the same condition—ancient, decayed. There's the brooding Duke, and his riotous brother. There's Grandam, lost in wilds of herself. There's a vicar, a philosopher, an angel, a ghost or two. And somewhere above them all, in a ruined garret…
5 x 8 | 121 pages | Illustrated | ISBN 978-1-926716-30-5 (pbk.) | Softcover
A work that will transport you across the sea to the idealization and mysticism of the East against the realities of its westernization. Reading and reciting this poetry, you will find that laughter often chokes itself on tears while the book yo-yos between meditation and contemplation.
88 pages | Full Colour | 5.5 x 8.5 | ISBN 978-0-9809108-7-2 (pbk.) | Softcover
Our bodies, our individual and collective bodies, and the separate bodies that together combine to make our systems, ecological, biological, psychological and technological--these are the bodies that we refer to...
5 x 8 | 90 pages | ISBN 978-1-926716-16-9 (pbk.) | Softcover
What began as a collaboration project between two life-long friends—Maria Haro, a visual artist, and Claudia Serea, a poet—resulted in a refreshing lyricism of urban photography and poetry. Twoxism is a work that finds beauty in unexpected places and sees the mundane with redemptive eyes...
116 pages | 6" x 9' | Color | ISBN 978-1-926716-53-4 (pbk.) | Softcover
"Begin anywhere. Stop anywhere. Everything that can possibly be written now is a drop of rain upon its vast syncretic ocean... This future of our shared media Byzantium is obscenely bright."
Jason Price Everett's poetry explodes from the page with the raucous power of industrial machinery and strikes its targets with the rapier's fine point. Honing in on the chaos of the past two decades, Hypodrome charts the growth of today's artist searching for the defining aesthetic of our time. These poems document the plastic, the losses, the frustrations and the triumphs accumulated during the course of an accelerated era, set against the backdrop of an ominously beautiful future.
148 pages| ISBN 978-1-926716-12-1(pbk.) | Softcover