CRITICAL THINKING, WORLDVIEWS & LOGIC by Paul Catanu is a must read for anyone studying the Humanities or wishing for a survey of the history of the development of thought in the Western World.
368 pgs | 7.5 x 9.25 | Full Color | ISBN 978-0-9877804-2-3 | Softcover
338 pgs | 7.5 x 9.25 | Full Color | ISBN 978-0-9877804-2-3 | Softcover
What is truth? What is goodness? What is justice? How can I be sure? These are perhaps among the first questions humanity has systematically sought answers to and which still, today, drives most arguments and divides people. These questions, their answers, their modes and scope of evaluation remain problematic, ever-shifting and eluding definition as our horizons and conceptions of reality expand. A beautiful, creative work, our conceptions of truth have evolved with our capacity to define them and our definition of what it means to be human.
This textbook, intended to be a primer course in Humanities, and its survey of Philosophy, Logic and Critical inking, takes the Student through "the wondrous voyage of the development of thought through the history of the Human Being”and our progress in tackling the first and still, most problematic of questions: What does it mean to be human?
Replete with exercises and suggestive material for the classroom, this volumes serves as the standard Humanities textbook and reference guide for today's student.
Hammering, bombastic, poetic, mystic Nietzsche as seen through the mind of the great ontologist Martin Heidegger is what Dr. Catanu delivers in this new volume. Nietzsche's thought dissected, critiqued and delimited by the author of 'Being and Time' one of the most influential modern philosophers of our day, is explored in this insightful new volume...
The Grade Booster Series (GBS)—Microeconomics is designed to help college students improve their grades in Microeconomics. With the Grade Booster Series you will better understand the principles and concepts discussed in your textbook; and be able to apply them in varying scenarios and learn how to answer economic questions.
312 pages | 8.5 x 11 | ISBN 978-1-926716-45-9 | Full-Color
The Grade Booster Series (GBS)—Macroeconomics is designed to help college students improve their grades in Microeconomics. Through the Grade Booster Series you will better understand the principles and concepts discussed in your textbook; and be able to apply them in varying scenarios and learn how to answer economic questions.
246 pages | 8.5 x 11 | ISBN 978-1-926716-45-9 | Full-Color
One of the most famous books on the occult ever written, this is a record of Crowley's journey into strange regions of consciousness: his initiation into magic his world-wide travels and mistresses, his experiments with sex and drugs, and the philosophy of his famous Book of the Law.
686 pages | 234mm x 156mm | 50+ photos | ISBN 978-1-926716-65-7
“. . . a journey into the predatory nature of some of the practices and institutions in the financial industry today...”
Authors James Cummins and Cameron W. Reed take us on an exploratory journey into the predatory nature of some of the practices and institutions in the financial industry today. What seems innocently enough as capitalism and greed gone naturally wild in an environment of deregulation, soon appears as deliberate political manoeuvering and close control on an international scale by agents and institutions operating above the law.
5 x 8 | 230 pages | ISBN 978-1-926716-06-0 | Hardcover
A thrilling, vicarious journey through Friedrich Nietzsche’s favorite haunts, “In Nietzsche’s Footsteps” walks us through an earnest discussion and pragmatic reflection on elements of Nietzsche’s biography and philosophical discoveries throughout the philosopher’s journeys....
248 pages | 5.5 x 8.5 | ISBN 978-1-926716-48-0 | 2nd Ed.
Hammering, bombastic, poetic, mystic Nietzsche as seen through the mind of the great ontologist Martin Heidegger is what Dr. Catanu delivers in this new volume. Nietzsche's thought dissected, critiqued and delimited by the author of 'Being and Time' one of the most influential modern philosophers of our day, is explored in this insightful new volume...
The Grade Booster Series (GBS)—Macroeconomics is designed to help college students improve their grades in Microeconomics. Through the Grade Booster Series you will better understand the principles and concepts discussed in your textbook; and be able to apply them in varying scenarios and learn how to answer economic questions.
246 pages | 8.5 x 11 | ISBN 978-1-926716-45-9 | Full-Color
The Grade Booster Series (GBS)—Microeconomics is designed to help college students improve their grades in Microeconomics. With the Grade Booster Series you will better understand the principles and concepts discussed in your textbook; and be able to apply them in varying scenarios and learn how to answer economic questions.
312 pages | 8.5 x 11 | ISBN 978-1-926716-45-9 | Full-Color
Led by visual artist and photographer Damian Siqueiros, "To Russia with Love" portrays iconic gay and lesbian Russians in all of Siqueiros's usual detail and flare. Along with his collaborators, Mr. Siqueiros is passionate in his belief that fighting hatred with hatred is as nonsensical as trying to extinguish a fire with more fire. There is no condemnation for those perpetrating injustice, instead these portraits serve to remind us of the beauty of love and to validate the couples and the identities of our Russian brothers and sisters in the LGBT community.
“...exquisitely detailed....” - Phil Tarney, Artists Corner Gallery, Hollywood, California
“Masterful visual quotations..” - Ivan Savvine, Russian Journalist & Activist
8.5 x 9 | Full-Color | 60 pgs. | ISBN 978-1-926716-33-6 | Softcover
“. . . a journey into the predatory nature of some of the practices and institutions in the financial industry today...”
Authors James Cummins and Cameron W. Reed take us on an exploratory journey into the predatory nature of some of the practices and institutions in the financial industry today. What seems innocently enough as capitalism and greed gone naturally wild in an environment of deregulation, soon appears as deliberate political manoeuvering and close control on an international scale by agents and institutions operating above the law.
5 x 8 | 230 pages | ISBN 978-1-926716-06-0 (pbk.) | Softcover
"Seven Syrians" captures the stories and struggles of those caught in the middle of the armed conflict currently ravaging Syria. Framed by Diego Cupolo's unerring eye while touring the region, these photographs and first-hand accounts remind us that it is civilians who suffer the brunt of war's atrocities. In a series of humanizing portraits, Diego Cupolo takes us into the lives of those fortunate enough to have survived the conflict decimating their homeland. Forced to flee their homes and families, these men, women and children, teachers, plumbers, engineers, taxi drivers, brothers and sisters no different than ourselves and our neighbours, tell us in their own words of their struggles, triumphs, pains and fortitude and of the monstrosity of war when all of us the world over, seek the same security and opportunities for our children. Read and listen.
8 x 8 | 86 pages | Full-Color | ISBN 978-1-926716-26-8
"The entire King James bible rewritten and edited for common sense."
The Bible is teeming with cruelty, atrocity, injustice, wickedness, pain, amputation, sacrifice... who knew it could be so funny, too? Rewritten in its entirety, these ‘blasphemous’ new and old testaments take the Bible book by book, line by line, and edit them for sarcasm, satire, credulity and common sense. The result is some of the funniest, scariest stuff you’ll ever read.
496 pages | 6 x 9 | ISBN 978-1-926716-49-7 | Softcover
Containing interviews and first-hand accounts, this book is witness to the generosity, profundity and positivity with which women have responded and the energy they have put into their lives in overcoming challenges.
268 pages | 5.83" x 8.27' | 56 Photos | ISBN 978-1-926716-55-8
A learned exposition by one of the world's leading Qabalists, this book takes the reader through an exploratory journey through the English Alphabet and the mystic and even subconscious roots of our development of language throughout history.
440 pages | 6 x 9 | Hardcover | ISBN 978-1-926716-27-5
The Journal's alumni covers a who's who of the last 60 years in Canada, from international figures to business leaders; from national politicians to larger-than-life legal scholars; from judges to global entertainers. This is the story of the people who made the Journal work; of the people who each made their first real impacts on the world through an unearthly dedication and passion to their job at the McGill Law Journal...
“...a breathtaking picture of a history that was beginning to slowly fade into the past, strengthening the identity of a key part of Canadian society.”
Dive into the captivating world of jazz with "Women in Jazz" by Sammy Stein, a groundbreaking book that shines a spotlight on the incredible contributions of women in this beloved genre. This special edition book containing both "Women in Jazz: The Women, the Legends & their Fight" and "In Their Own Words" by Sammy Stein in one volume, takes readers on an inspiring journey through the lives and stories of female agents, arrangers, composers, musicians, PR professionals, radio hosts, record label managers, singers, writers, and more.
A new epistemology, "The Knotted Road" examines the root of the age-old divisions between religion and science, empiricism and skepticism, the philosophic and the artistic. A call for a new valuation that synthesizes humanity's contradictions, The Knotted Road is a radical philosophic work on the cutting edge of our increasingly entropic society.
248 pgs | 6 x 9 | ISBN 978-0-9809108-4-1 | Softcover
This book, the Study on "Core Value Systems of a Harmonious Socialist Society" is the result of a series of researches and studies conducted at the Ethical and Moral Improvement Study Center of Renmin University of China-a center of Humanities and Social Sciences for the Ministry of Education...
5.83 x 8.27 | 394 pages | Softcover
CRITICAL THINKING, WORLDVIEWS & LOGIC by Paul Catanu is a must read for anyone studying the Humanities or wishing for a survey of the history of the development of thought in the Western World.
368 pgs | 7.5 x 9.25 | Full Color | ISBN 978-0-9877804-2-3 | Softcover