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"The entire King James bible rewritten and edited for common sense."

The Bible is teeming with cruelty, atrocity, injustice, wickedness, pain, amputation, sacrifice... who knew it could be so funny, too? Rewritten in its entirety, these ‘blasphemous’ new and old testaments take the Bible book by book, line by line, and edit them for sarcasm, satire, credulity and common sense. The result is some of the funniest, scariest stuff you’ll ever read.

496 pages | 6 x 9 | ISBN 978-1-926716-49-7 | Softcover


496 pages | 6 x 9 | ISBN 978-1-926716-49-7 | Softcover

The Bible is teeming with cruelty, atrocity, injustice, wickedness, pain, amputation, sacrifice... who knew it could be so funny, too? Rewritten in its entirety, these ‘blasphemous’ new and old testaments take the Bible book by book, line by line, and edit them for sarcasm, satire, credulity and common sense. The result is some of the funniest, scariest stuff you’ll ever read.

Rewritten in their entirety, these blasphemous new and old testaments are an attempt at a reversal of morals--a dialectical approach to the truth in which the opposite is mirrored against the established with the goal of producing a new transcendent truth uniting the two contradictory views.

“. . . a means of challenging zealots to read their own holy books and possibly force them to consider the harder questions and contradictions contained therein, the author decided to rewrite the Bible. Years of indefatigable work later, The Blasphemous Bible was created. All the many stories, verses, and ‘facts’ contained in the Bible are here rewritten with no apology for the obvious wickedness, cruelties, atrocities, and overall unbelievable fallacies it may be said to chronicle.”


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